Maria Overend

Maria Overend, Volunteer Chaplain

Dave Foxford, Volunteer Chaplain

Stina Foxford, Volunteer Chaplain

Our chaplains work with shoppers, traders and businesses alike, and will always try to make time for a chat and a cup of tea with people who want to take some time out of their busy day to talk.

In St Mary's Market there is a Prayer Stall (opposite Robert James’ Jewellers) which is available all the time for people of all faiths, and none. Why not find it and take a little time and space away from the busy-ness of the town centre? A small oasis in the desert of everyday life.

Maria Overend covers the Hall Street and Commercial Street area of the town.

Dave & Stina Foxford can be found in the Hardshaw Centre and Church Street.

None of our chaplains are never too busy to stop, share a story and a brew - keep an eye out for them in town.

For more details on volunteering or what the chaplains do in St Helens, contact