We all have concerns and worries about life, particularly with impact of Coronavirus, whether it is for ourselves, or people that we care for or just for how it could affect our lives.

This might feel difficult or stressful, but there are lots of things to try that could help your wellbeing.  At MitE Chaplaincy we have compiled some information that you may find useful. Please also check our Twitter feeds (@mitechaplaincy; @mitesthwarr) as we regularly post information there.

If you want to contact a chaplain to speak in person or by email please get in touch here.

MitE chaplains have compiled these well-being tips and useful links for small businesses.

Well-being resources

Well-being resources

Support for small businesses

Support for small businesses


The Action for Happiness response to COVID-19 (& MitE Chaplaincy agrees)

  1. Listen to the experts

  2. Keep calm (but don't carry on)

  3. Make wise & kind choices

We can all help to reduce the impact of this virus by looking after our own health, washing our hands, self-isolating if needed and being kind and considerate to others.